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4 Tampa Fashion and Wellness Events!

4 Tampa Fashion and Wellness Events Here are some upcoming fashion, beauty, and wellness events in the Tampa area. If you need any...

Deva Curl WashDay Wonder Review!

I had the pleasure of testing out this AMAZING product back in March! The Deva Curl Wash Day Wonder is really a wonder. I was selected by...

Lets talk about HARD WATER...

You ever wonder why it seems like you have a really good hair day, and then some weird ones? You could be using the same products, same...

Lets Talk Silicones...

LETS TALK SILICONES One of the most common ingredients found in products. Curly, Straight, and every texture in between. Are silicones...

5 Tips While Transitioning

At some point of our lives we have been here, dealing with damaged hair. Some people chop it all off, and some of us like to let it grow...


Sulfates...... Do you remember the oil spill commercial with all the beautiful animals and the wonderful soap that just stripped that oil...

Why I Choose The Curly Girl Method

A couple years ago I was fed up with my hair being crazy, inconsistent good days, bad hair days, to much frizz or NO volume I started to...

The Start Of MY Hair Journey

Growing up with curly hair lead me to spend most of my Saturday mornings in a salon. A typical dominican salon in Tampa, FL to be exact....

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